Mobile Art Gallery
As you stroll through the exhibit immersed in virtual reality, you will see features that remind you of your own individual world. Each piece helps you ponder different details in your life and the lives of those you love. Lyrical Mezzanine creates a unique experience, helping you see yourself or someone you love in each piece.

Bring Mobile Art Gallery To Your Town
Share the Mobile Art Gallery with your group. Introduce them to this in-person conglomeration of written poetry and photography of objects that people can relate to deeply. As the viewer might expect, the words of the poetry describe or explain how the physical objects could be seen or understood. At the same time, the viewer has the chance to read and think about the words of each poem or piece of prose in the context of the feelings, thoughts, or memories that the physical objects in the photography. Lyrical Mezzanine takes the words off the page and makes them come to life in as real objects in the photos. The exhibit literally puts people in the poems and the poems all around the people.

Bring Mobile Art Gallery To Your Town
Bring the Lyrical Mezzanine mobile art gallery to your town to display words, ideas, and principles that resonate with our own lives and stick with us. Each piece helps the viewer feel connected to lines of each poem and the physical items in the photography that can reflect the context of our own lives and the lives of those we care about.